
Tying the Simple Hareball Leech Fly Pattern for Steelhead and Salmon

Tying the Hareball Leech Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Pattern

The Hareball Leech is a Legendary fly pattern for salmon and steelhead. It’s also a great fly for the beginner fly tyer wanting to hone in some essential skills at the vise. I tie this fly in a number of color variations including all black, purple / pink, black / chartreuse, flesh pink, and hot pink to name a few. Tied in bright cerise, fuchsia or hot pink, the Hareball Leech is a great pattern for targeting salmon from the great lakes and the west coast. Rivers like the Kenai, Nushagak, Kanektok, Alagnak, Arolik,Togiak, Karluk, Ayakulik, Naknek, and Talachulitna are ideal testing grounds for the fly.

When tied in Chartreuse, the fly is an all around pattern for chasing silver salmon, king salmon, chum salmon and picky winter steelhead. You can tie on a hot head of dubbing or chenille as well to transform this leech into one of the egg sucking variety. If you find the tail is fouling often, consider adding a stiff mono loop under the tail to help it stay behaved properly. Be sure to tie these on heavy wire hooks as the fish that hit these flies are messing around.

Hareball Leech Salmon and Steelhead Fly Pattern
Hook: Superfly HKSHW #2/0-#4
Thread: Black
Eye: Brass (Lead) Dumbbell eyes (4mm)
Tail: Rabbit zonker
Flash: Pearl (dyed) Flashabou
Body: Rabbit zonker or crosscut strip
Collar: Schlappen
Head: Laser dubbing https://youtu.be/paQSyTxRyTI

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Song: Sekai - Somebody [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/HiM2VWFUom0
Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/SomebodyCr

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