
Fly Tying George Cook's Cone head Blue Moon Fly Steelhead and Salmon Fly Pattern

George Cook's Cone Head Bluemoon (Alaskabou) Steelhead and salmon fly. June Fly Draw - https://gleam.io/Q7exL/fly-giveaway-for-the-month-of-june-2017-from-piscator-flies

George suggests that the ConeHead Bluemoon is a good fly for fishing British Columbia's Kispiox and Dean rivers during the winter runs in a size #2/0 hook down to a size #1. The fly is a part of Cook's iconic Alaskabou series of streamers and the palmered marabou allows the fly to maintain some shape when it is pulled through the water.

CH Bluemoon Fly Pattern Recipe

Hook: Superfly Heavy Wire Salmon #2
Cone: 6mm gold brass
Weight: 0.030 lead (optional)
Thread: Black 6/0
Body: Blue Flashabou http://ebay.to/2tD1eV3
Wing: Black marabou
Flash: Blue Flashabou
Collar: Silver Doctor Blue Schlappen

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Southern California by Riot (Royalty Free Music)

Camera: Nikon CoolPix P510 http://amzn.to/2sh3WD7
Vise: Griffen Montana Mongoose http://amzn.to/2sQWcov

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June Fly Draw - https://gleam.io/Q7exL/fly-giveaway-for-the-month-of-june-2017-from-piscator-flies
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