В даному відео я покажу риболовлю на сталевоголову форель під завершення сезону із поплавком, джигом і воблерами! Також в кінці відео розберу рибу на філе і приготую ікру!
In this video I will show you how to fishing for steelhead at the end of the season with a float, jig, and deep minnow! I will also cut the fish into pieces and prepare the eggs at the end of the video!
#fishing #ukrainefishing #steelhead #steelheadfishing #favoritefishing #skyline #shimanofishing #shimanostradic #sunline #ohiofishing #ohio #riverfishing #troutfishing #floatfishing #float #flagman #daiwa #columbia #bigfish
In this video I will show you how to fishing for steelhead at the end of the season with a float, jig, and deep minnow! I will also cut the fish into pieces and prepare the eggs at the end of the video!
#fishing #ukrainefishing #steelhead #steelheadfishing #favoritefishing #skyline #shimanofishing #shimanostradic #sunline #ohiofishing #ohio #riverfishing #troutfishing #floatfishing #float #flagman #daiwa #columbia #bigfish
- Category
- Steelheads