
Pallatrax Steamlink - The Best Carp Fishing Rig

So what is Steamlink – An unique and extremely high quality angling hooklink material which can be easily used to create an incredibly effective rig for Carp, Barbel, Tench etc.

Purchase the best carp fishing rig here - http://www.pallatrax.co.uk/product/steamlink-bundle/

The thin inner core is made from the highest quality Dyneema which is then coated with a translucent outer skin which can be easily removed and tied into a fantastic hair rig for both bottom bait and pop up presentations. Once you have made your rig it is simply a case of carefully pulling your rig through the steam of hot a boiling kettle which will result in the outer skin steaming stiff. The result is an incredibly efficient hinge rig where the supple Dyneema meets the stiffened outer skin and a rig that has literally caught us thousands of fish over the years – it really does help us to Catch More Fish!

Steamlink is available with two breaking strains in 15lb and 25lb versions on 20m spools. Snaglink – Steamlinks ‘Big Brother’ comes with a 30lb Dyneema breaking strain and an extra thick coating to create an even stiffer rig if so required. This extra coating also has great anti abrasion benefits and therefore especially valuable for fishing over rough ground, mussels etc.
Carp Fishing
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