Making Changes to Your Baiting Approach Heading into Autumn - Mark Holmes

Seasoned big carp angler Mark Holmes leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit of the biggest carp across the U.K.

Understanding when to make changes to your baiting approach is essential, especially with the change in water temperatures which we face in Europe over the coming weeks and months. Slight changes in water temperature can make a big difference to a carp feeding habit, as the water temperatures start to fall below 18 degrees survival mode starts with nature. Building up fat reserves to survive winter is essential so having an understanding when to start to make changes is vital to your success.

Mark talks us through his change in approach which has become a big part Holmsey’s fishing in checking water temperatures daily and making notes from session to session and season to season.

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Carp Fishing
Nutrabaits, Carpfishing, Mark Holmes