Incredible STEELHEAD Adventure - MAJESTIC Scenery of the Sauk River!

We floated the Sauk River and part of the Skagit River with guide Cary Hoffman of CNH Guide Service.

I've made a decent amount of videos, but this is one of my favorites, the scenery was majestic and the fish we connected with were electric.

I tried to reveal the wonder of this place and the experience of fishing it with good company (and lots of laughs).

On a serious note: The Skagit / Sauk are shadows of their former glory as it relates to wild steelhead runs (and salmon), and like many other rivers in the area demand our wise care and respect to see them restored.

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Cary fishes all over the place so definitely someone you should consider booking with: 206.919.1266 and

Also, here's a link to the story I quoted about some of the Skagit River history: