Fukushima news; Washington emergency closes Fall Salmon FISHING, Vegas SHOOTER by Product of a

A MORNING DOUBLE RAINBOW over My house, AS RARE AS IT GETS;;; A NEW OCTOBER DAWN;; AFTER A EVIL LAS VEGAS OCTOBER 1 Evening 2017,, kevin D. blanch 10/4 born on 4/10 https://www.gofundme.com/sdc76s http://www.chronline.com/news/wdfw-cuts-king-fishing-short-on-cowlitz-river-other-tributaries/article_4e866ce0-a7b1-11e7-87b6-4f9908989dd2.html?? utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=user-share https://youtu.be/wf0vCFiYUyI SELFISH GENERATION;; TALKIN ABOUT THE ME GENERATION,THE SELFISH ME ME BABY BOOMER Generation;; MAKIN SURE NO ONE LIVES TO be old,, A SAD UGLY TIME IN THE UNITED STATES OF ME ME, Just got back from Nevada lock the door oh boy, LOOKIN out OUR BACK DOOR;; kevin D. blanch PhD THE Great Pacific Genocide, 2011 to 2017, AML LEUKEMIA Survivor,,
OCTOBER DAWN;; by kevin d. blanch 2017;;
A RARE DOUBLE RAINBOW appeared over my house in UTAH OVER THE great salty lake, WHERE ALL MY NATIVE ROOTS are buried and GIVE ME THE STEM OF LIFE;; my blood my flesh my bones, my SPIRIT;; this MORNING;; October Dawn, after an October beginning with a horrible EVIL las VEGAS Evening 2017 by kevin d. blanch
MY NATIVE SPIRIT tells me;; that the RARE Morning double rainbow over my house THIS morning is, THE confirmation that my spirIt and my physical being have been joined the entire time I have fought for mother Earth, and that the GOOD SPIRiTS are with me IN me , Gilding me , US;; and TO Continue TO follow, FOR the strength and goodness of MOTHER EARTH will love me LOVE US ALL HER CHILDREN FOREVER;; kevin d. blanch October 4 2017, 4-10 as I was BORN ON 10-4 ,,
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