
Fukushima news OREGON, Washington, SALMON officials LIE, POST FAKE Projections 2 FACED CRIMINALS

https://www.gofundme.com/sdc76s;; Figures don’t lie OREGON LIARS FIGURE; declare it a FED. & State DISASTER then PROPAGANDA fish TRIPS ;; FUKUSHIMA KILLS THE GREAT PACIFIC SALMON COMEBACK RECORD NUMBERS IN 2015; epic Unprecedented Collapse in 2016-2017;; UNITED STATES GOP turns the U.S. INTO COMMUNIST MILITARISM the NEW soviet UNION;; RODMAN A SICK FREAK, NORTH Korea PEOPLE should have been Liberated decades ago, COLD BLOODED SICK KILLERS;;
“Returns forecast at 63,100 summer Chinook, 130,700 summer steelhead, and 198,500 sockeye are all below last year's actual runs. Managers are especially concerned about very low expectations for the large, late B-run summer steelhead.
Fall chinook predictions are healthier, but the forecast for 582,600 is below last year's return of 640,000.”

It's predicting anywhere between 70,000 to 95,000 Chinook returning to the Yukon River and its tributaries. That's about half the historic average of about 150,000 fish in the 1980s and '90s, said Trerice, but it could have been worse. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/yukon-salmon-chinook-1.4161353

kevin d. blanch set$ the GREAT SALT LAKE 2017 fishing Projections;; 680,000 black Marlin, 320,000 summer blue Marlin;; and 6 mermaids;; MY PROJECTIONS just as le·git·i·mate as Oregon &Washington salmon projections, oh ya FIRST I WILL DECLARE Utah Great Salt lake MARLIN fishing a DISASTER and beg the FED FOR A BAILOUT;; kevin d. blanch, the GREAT PACIFIC GENOCIDE, killed by Peaceful Nuclear energy;; June 16 2017
"The bill, which was introduced by Reps. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and Tom Rice (R-S.C.), is of particular importance in South Carolina and Georgia, where new nuclear power plants are being constructed."
"Returns forecast at 63,100 summer Chinook, 130,700 summer steelhead, and 198,500 sockeye are all below last year's actual runs. Managers are especially concerned about very low expectations for the large, late B-run summer steelhead.
Fall chinook predictions are healthier, but the forecast for 582,600 is below last year's return of 640,000."
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