From First Fish To Giant Tuna: Starlo's Tuesday Chats Part 1

In his very first "Tuesday Chat" episode, Starlo shares a little background of his early days, and explains how he got started on the fishing communication and education path. That long road begins with a half pound redfin perch from the Lachlan River and, in this first episode, leads all the way to the cool waters off Nova Scotia, in eastern Canada, and a date with destiny in the form of of 1,020 pound (463 kilo) Atlantic bluefin tuna... It's quite a ride!

This episode is brought to you by the good folks at CMPartners Accounting, who Starlo chooses for his own book keeping and accountancy work. To arrange a free consultation with _zero_ obligation, and discuss the many services CMPartners offer to small businesses, simply go to: And be sure to tell 'em you're a fisho, and that Starlo sent you!

Finally, if you love this video and the channel, please consider shouting Starlo a beer (or buying him a coffee!) for as little as $5 to help him produce lots MORE great YouTube content for your viewing pleasure! To do so, simply go to:
Thanks... and cheers!
Fly Fishing
fishing, sport fishing, angling
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