
250KG Giant Tuna loading to boat

This revolutionary design made large scale trawling in the ocean possible for the first time, resulting in a massive migration of fishermen from the ports in the South of England, to villages further north, such as Scarborough, Hull, Grimsby, Harwich and Yarmouth, that were points of access to the large fishing grounds in the Atlantic Ocean.[7]

The small village of Grimsby grew to become the largest fishing port in the world[8] by the mid 19th century. An Act of Parliament was first obtained in 1796, which authorised the construction of new quays and dredging of the Haven to make it deeper.[9] It was only in the 1846, with the tremendous expansion in the fishing industry, that the Grimsby Dock Company was formed. The foundation stone for the Royal Dock was laid by Albert the Prince consort in 1849. The dock covered 25 acres (10 ha) and was formally opened by Queen Victoria in 1854 as the first modern fishing port.

The elegant Brixham trawler spread across the world, influencing fishing fleets everywhere.[10] By the end of the 19th century, there were over 3,000 fishing trawlers in commission in Britain, with almost 1,000 at Grimsby. These trawlers were sold to fishermen around Europe, including from the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Twelve trawlers went on to form the nucleus of the German fishing fleet.
La pesca es la acción de extraer de su medio natural a los peces u otras especies acuáticas como crustáceos, moluscos y otros invertebrados, además de mamíferos en el caso de culturas orientales. Ancestralmente, la pesca ha consistido en una de las actividades económicas más tempranas de muchos pueblos del mundo.

De acuerdo con estadísticas de la FAO y sus cifras del año 2010 (publicadas en 2012), el número total de pescadores y piscicultores en el mundo se estima en 54,8 millones. La misma estadística indica que el 87 % de las personas empleadas en el sector pesquero se encuentran en Asia. Mientras que el crecimiento de la actividad pesquera de captura se ha detenido o incluso muestra una cierta tendencia a la disminución, se observa un aumento sostenido en la cantidad de personas ocupadas en la acuicultura.
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