
common and comet goldfish spawning

Here you can watch spawning behavior of single tail goldfish a.k.a Eurasian carp.

As beautiful as these guys are they're highly destructive and invasive if released into the wild. Its their single tail that give them incredible strength and their well put together anatomy allows them to adapt to a wide variety of freshwater environments. nonetheless common carp still are classified as vulnerable on the conservation status in their native waters.

Fancy goldfish aren't as likely to mess up an ecosystem as single tails. Also, keep in mind these are just small ones in the video.

this species of fish along with its relatives have messed up a lot of north amercian bodies of fresh water. So if you ever keep these guys as pets please just remember, don't release! They are to be respected. It's the single tail that makes these fish so powerful, dangerous, and awesome imo ;)
Carp Fishing