
Coastal Cutthroat Trout Fly Fishing in British Columbia

Coastal Cutthroat Trout Fly Fishing in British Columbia. This is a very exciting time of year for the Pemberton Fish Finder. With the arrival of Spring we welcome with open arms the Coastal Cutthroat Fly fishing season. Why are we so excited? Because these feisty sea run trout are like Steelhead, minus the size and Pemberton, British Columbia has some of the Best fly fishing for Coastal Cutthroat Trout in the World. While the season is just getting started, we recommend that clients book now. The Coastal Cutthroat fishing season is relatively short. It starts typically mid March and wraps up by the end of May. Cutthroat in the Pemberton, BC area range in size from 12" - 26" and can weigh as much as 6.5 LBS. Pound for pound Coastal Cutthroat Trout are one of the hardest fighting fish in the World. They are ferocious feeders that travel in large schools of fish. Simply put, swing your fly in their vicinity and they will let you know that they are there. Boom!
There are multiple Rivers in the Pemberton area that Coastal Cutthroat Trout can be caught. Rivers that include; Lillooet River, Ryan River, Green River and the Birkenhead River. These Rivers mentioned are the larger of the Rivers in the Pemberton area. There are many other streams in Pemberton that hold great opportunities of catching these sought after Trout. Coastal Cutthroat Trout typically hold in deep, slow moving water that has a decent food source. They feed heavily on Salmon fry, stonefly nymphs and case caddis.
Fly fishing for Cutthroat can be very easy at times when you have the right equipment. Start off with a 5 -6wt fly rod, type 3 sink tip and use 8' - 9' of 6 LB tippet. The fly above is called the Motto Minnow. It replicates a Salmon fry perfectly. These flies are available at Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd. at 1380 Birch street in downtown Pemberton, BC. One thing I will add is that if you catch 1 Cutthroat, there will be more there. Cutthroat never travel alone, It might be a short bus but there will be other passengers.
Fly fishing is our passion, we enjoy sharing our vast knowledge with our clients in an entertaining way that is safe, fun, educational and rewarding. That's a lot to put into one sentence. When I talk about our fly fishing guides, I explain to people that the tug is their drug. No matter how steep the hill or how long the walk, no fish is safe. When our fly fishing guides get a seldom day off, what do they do? They go fishing, testing new patterns, finding new fishing locations and always learning. Fly Fishing is a way of life for the guides at Pemberton Fish Finder. Join us on a fly fishing tour and get on the fast track to success!
Below is a few Pictures of Coastal Cutthroat Trout that were caught March 1st, 2016 with the Pemberton Fish Finder. We have also put a short fly fishing video together for your enjoyment. Feel free to share with your buddies and stop by our fly shop in Pemberton. Spud Valley Sporting Goods Ltd at 1380 Birch Street in downtown Pemberton, BC. We got a big map on the counter covered in x's marking hot spots for fly fishing. If you would like to book a fly fishing trip of a lifetime call Melissa toll free 1(877)905-8121 or email infor@pembertonfishfinder.com Visit our website for rates and more information about fly fishing in British Columbia.
We look forward to Fly fishing with you,
Pemberton Fish Finder. https://pembertonfishfinder.com/
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