
British Columbia Spring Tour - Chinook Salmon Fly Fishing

Click Here To Subscribe to the Catch Magazine YouTube Channel ►http://goo.gl/9Z5dTu - Chinook Salmon - British Columbia Spring/Summer Tour took me up to the far reaches of British Columbia's Skeena River and the many tributaries of that amazing Canadian watershed. For Catch Magazine's 48th edition, T-Motion theater presents a video about the wild and adventurous chase, fly fishing for spring/summer Chinook salmon on the swing, via helicopters piloted by Dave Hiltenkamp of Summit Helicopters LTD out of Terrace British Columbia and jet sleds from the Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness & Lodge also from Terrace British Columbia.

The anglers on camera include none other than the talented Adrienne Comeau, who guides for Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness & Lodge and Steve McPhail, owner of Nass River Steelhead Company out of Terrace British Columbia. This tech-infused video includes some great insight on fly fishing for the big Chinook Salmon, who live in the world-renown waters of British Columbia. Thanks to the British Columbia Fishing Resort and Outfitter Association, Eddie Bauer, Ross Reels, Skeena Spey Riverside Wilderness & Lodge, Nass River Steelhead Company and Summit Helicopters LTD. Get out your notes and start planning your next adventure while you watch this action packed, information loaded video!

Fishing British Columbia - http://www.Fishingbc.com

Summit Helicopters LTD - http://www.summithelicopters.ca

Skeena Spey - http://skeenaflyfishing.com

Eddie Bauer - https://www.instagram.com/eddiebauer

Ross Reels - https://www.RossReels.com

Orvis - http://www.orvis.com/fly-fishing

Echo Fly Rods - http://www.echoflyfishing.com

Scientific Anglers - http://www.scientificanglers.com

Korkers - http://www.korkers.com

*Camera Information*
- Aerial solutions by Quadrocopter.
- Copters powered by Venom - http://www.venompower.com
- High quality aerial filter and adapters solutions here - Snake River Prototyping - http://www.SnakeRiverPrototyping.com
- DJI Phantom 3 Pro
- Sony RX-100
- Panasonic Ag-160a
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