
Atlantic Salmon Fishing/Laksefiske, Gaula River, Norway 2016

Check out this film project I made with Frederik Lorentzen back in June on the amazing Gaula River in Norway. The Gaula is one of the 'Valhallas' of large Atlantic Salmon and a challenging river to fly fish. It has a strong and healthy run of salmon, and has - thanks to many dedicated souls - remained unregulated through its entire course. The Gaula and Norwegian Flyfishers Club (NFC) has many loyal friends and returning fly fishers, some of the best in the sport in fact. A river with many stories and myths, epic battles fought, won and lost, Nordic white nights, huge salmon... a river to see and fish within a flyfisher's lifetime.


Big thank you to Per Arneberg and Enrico Cristiani for making this venture possible.
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