
Amber Softhackle Streamer - salmon and steelhead fly tying

I'm a big fan of the late Jack Gartside, and I've tied a lot of his wonderful Soft Hackle Streamer. I have used it for decades for trout, perch, pike and a variety of saltwater predators as well. This is my own variations on Jack's pattern, using blood quill marabou, schlappen feathers and jungle cock substitute from @pro.sportfisher.
The hook is the new Home Run Series Ahrex HR410 Tying Single. The spey style tying on this version makes it suited for sea trout, salmon and steelhead.
Jack's first original Soft Hackle Streamer was ties with a couple of blood quill marabou feathers and a mallard flank feather as front hackle. But later on he tied lots of variations, so there room for playing with the concept. On this fly I have used the colours of the jungle cock feather as a guide for the colour of the rest of the fly: black, white and burnt orange :0)