Winter Steelhead Fishing Oregon Thoughts on Tackle and Techniques Not the fish of a thousand casts

In a recent steelhead video I uploaded, viewers reached out to me asking for some explanations on how I set up my gear for catching steelhead. I did not come up with these rigging techniques on my own nor do I take any credit for it. I read books as a kid from the steelhead legends like Bill Herzog and Buzz Ramsey, some of the original steelhead lore of year's past. Back before YouTube and social media, back when a POD meant a group of killer whales and a CAST was how you got your Oakie Drifter across the river and into the face of a migrating steelhead. There is no reason to complicate steelhead fishing. I subscribe to the KISS method (Keep it simple stupid). These are my basic set-ups for bank fishing steelhead. I use a drift rod and a bobber rod. REMEMBER THIS " A steelhead is not a fish of a thousand casts, it just may take a thousand casts to get one in front of you!" You can take that phrase to the bank and hopefully tail your first Winter Steelhead. Tight Lines!
#steelhead, #wintersteelhead, #fish