
Winter Steelhead Fishing - BEHEMOTH TANKS and CHROME DARTS!!! - EPIC Fishing!

Over the past week or so Jason (who you may notice is in majority of my videos), and I ventured back to one of our favourite rivers to battle a fresh run of Steelhead Trout.
You can find both of us on Instagram at the following links:

Jason: fishin_with_fawcett

And I'm on National Pro Staff.Com
Instagram: buggslinger
National Pro Staff.Com: Nicholas Donovan

We hadn't had much luck in this run prior to capturing this footage, and boy were we surprised at what we found.

You may notice the video ends rather abruptly.... well that's because I want you to SUBSCRIBE and turn on your notifications for when I post the next video in a couple days time with even MORE fish!

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Tight lines!!
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