
Things to do in Beaver Utah - Fly Fishing, Hiking, Monkey Fence - Tushar Mountains

Here is a preview of the beauty you will find in the Tushar Mountains of Beaver County Utah. When we say that Beaver is a B-E-A-utiful place, you might not believe us by just looking at the town, but if you take just a 10 to 30 minute drive up the canyon, you will think you were transported to the mountains in Europe. Rolling green hills, beautiful hiking, road biking, and fishing!

If you like Fly Fishing, the Tushar Mountains in Beaver County Utah is the place to go. Our guides Jesse McMullin from Fremont River Guides, and Burke Swindlehurst offer some good tips for catching fish like a pro. They bring us to Merchant Valley half way up Beaver Canyon. This spot is particularly beautiful with plenty of fish waiting to be caught. You can catch almost every species of trout in the river including Rainbow Trout.

Zach Cipriano not too long ago took a ride with the Tushar Mountain ATV Club in Beaver County Utah and they took him to "the monkey fence". You guys have been asking the AYL team where exactly to find it, so here you go -

From the town of Beaver, go to 1200E and turn left. Stay on the asphalt road until it ends. Look to your left and you will see dirt trails, take the center trail and stay on that. You will cross over a cattle grate. Stay straight on that dirt road (DO NOT BRANCH OFF) after going up a slight hill, you will eventually come to the Monkey Fence.
Here is coordinates from a local with exact locations of fence:

Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Tushar+Mountains/@38.3702506,-112.3903737,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x874ad99fd7badf3f:0x8ede3a5983afeee8!8m2!3d38.3702515!4d-112.3815975

Website: https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/regions/intermountain/TusharMountains/index.shtml

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A Chadwick Booth & Co. Production
2469 E. 7000 S. Suite 110
Salt Lake City, Utah 84121
(801) 947-8888
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Fly Fishing