The colossal creature that dominates the sky, the Pterosaur! | Where did they come from?

In the evolutionary history of animals, one of the most remarkable milestones occurred around 228 million years ago during the late Triassic period when vertebrate animals first took to the skies. This momentous development led to the emergence of Pterosaurs, a group of creatures closely related to but distinct from dinosaurs.

The ancestors of Pterosaurs likely originated in a harsh desert environment resembling modern-day Western Europe. They began as small, resourceful creatures, eventually evolving their gliding capabilities to efficiently catch insects. Over time, they further adapted, developing complex wing membranes and powerful air sac systems, leading to the evolution of true flight.

Pterosaurs diversified during the Jurassic period, exploring various ecological niches and evolving specialized adaptations. Some became fishers, others filter feeders, herbivores, scavengers, or predators. The Pterosaur empire thrived, but its dominance was challenged when birds, with their feathered wings, began to replace Pterosaurs in the canopy layer.

Despite some impressive giants like Quetzalcoatlus and Nyctosaurus emerging during their twilight years, Pterosaurs faced challenges due to their increasing size and environmental changes. Ultimately, around 65 million years ago, an asteroid impact brought about their extinction, marking the end of a legendary era of ancient creatures taking to the skies.

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Fly Fishing