
Relentless Pursuit - Looking for Steelhead EP4

Fourth outing of the season for steelhead!
In this video, we cover most parts of upper Chilliwack river and some sections of the Vedder.
To our disappointment the infamous skunk was there waiting for us, ready to shatter all our dreams and break our hearts once again.
HOWEVER, what a beautiful day of fishing this was in the Chilliwack Valley. A day in the river is never lost!

We'll be back at it again next Saturday, how many more outings will it take us to find a unicorn?

Massive shoutout to Chrome Strike Outfitters for their Chilliwack bait casting rods, we could not be happier with them.

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PS. And for the record, don't even try, the barb was pinched. If you want to challenge us on this, you are more than welcome to check ALL OUR HOOKS anytime you see us in the river
Steelhead, steelhead fishing, steelhead Chilliwack
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