Mighty Green Drake No.2 - Mercer's Poxyback Green Drake Nymph (in Europe - Epeorus assimilis) by BK

Materials Used:
Hook: TMC 2312 {#10}
Rib: Wire {Copper}
Thread: UNI-Thread 8/0 {Olive}
Weight: Lead wire 0.3mm
Poxyback: 5min. epoxy or UV glue
Back: Turkey Tail Feather{Golden-Brown}
Dubbing: Rainbow Scud Dub Dark Shade
or Olive/Brown Antron Dubbing
Gills: Ringneck Pheasant Rump {Olive}

The "poxyback" patterns were developed in the late 1980s by creative fly tyer Mike Mercer

Western Green Drake - Drunella grandis, Drunella doddsii..
In Europe - Epeorus assimilis and other Epeorus..

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