How to Tie the Inverted Pheasant Tail - a trout nymph for pressured fish!

How to tie the Inverted Pheasant Tail nymph, a simple step by step fly tying tutorial for everyone, including beginning fly tyers. As our streams become more crowded, having flies that are a little different than what everyone else fishes can make the difference. This nymph features an added touch to show legs and a wing case as it bounces along on a jig hook. This version of the Pheasant Tail is a little different, and I have seen where having a fly that is a little different than what the fish typically see has been very effective for me. This fly tying tutorial features all the easy steps to produce this fly. This fly tying video features one of the nymph patterns that I have modified for pressured trout.

This fly tying video pattern instruction features a simple materials- pheasant tail and peacock herl on a jig hook. Simple stuff for a very effective pattern. If you watch the video to the end, you will be able to tie this very productive fly, and even beginners will be able to do so.

I am an outdoor writer and photographer with fly fishing articles articles that have appeared in national publications including Fly Tyer, American Angler and Outdoor Life. His fly fishing books include: “The New York Fly-Fishing Guide (Amato Publications), “Warmwater Fly Fishing- Finding and Catching Warmwater Species), and his new book, “The Greats of Adirondack Fly Fishing.” My new book explores the lives of six anglers who shaped fly fishing in New York’s Adirondack Mountains, including their fly patterns.

I am a lifelong fly fisherman and fly tyer since age 7, I have fished extensively throughout the Northeast. I have also tied flies for the same amount of time and have created fly patterns for trout and warmwater species.

I have produced two fly fishing DVDs including “Tying. And Fishing for Smallmouth Bass,” and “Tying and Fishing for Panfish.”

Please support the channel and follow along on Instagram and Facebook! There are many fly fishing videos and fly tying tutorials available on the You Tube Channel.

My website is .

On Facebook at @roboutdoors
On Instagram at @rob_streeter-outdoors

Flies tied by Rob Streeter in the Great Flies of the Adirondacks series:

Ed Bendl streamers including Margo Smelt, Ed’s Special, and Lithuanian Prince
William Scripture, Jr. flies including Oriskany Dun, Hinckley Queen, and Scripture Bucktail, Scripture #1 Bucktail, and Scripture Old Reliable Bucktail.
Ray Bergman flies including the Quebec, R.B. Nymph, R.B. Gray Squirrel Silver.
Perry Ehlers, Chambers Fly.
Fran Betters flies including the Haystack, the Usual, the Ausable Wulff
Lee Wulff’s flies including the White Wulff, the Gray Wulff, the Royal Wulff

Flies tied on video in the Warmwater Fly Tying series:

Crappy Candy, Conehead Grub (Panfish Version), Panny Popper, Jerk Fly, Generic Bunny Fur Streamer, EZ Worm, River Herring Popper, Smallmouth Panny Popper, Smallmouth Conehead Grub, Dog Crease Fly, Backcountry Frog, Crawdaddy, Trilobal Bugger, Trilobal-Body Fur Minnow, Mirror Flash Minnow.

Flies in the Steelhead/Salmon Series:

Jim’s Double Egg, Micro Egg, Jim’s Not Much, Steelhead Jelly Egg, Jim’s Wing Dinger, Jim’s Center Pin Envy, Rusher’s Stonefly, Sucker Egg Cluster, The Punk, The Imp, Kelso Bugger, Jim’s Egg Sucking Nymph, Edge Bright Comet, Smurf Soft Hackle, Black and Purple Soft Hackle, Estaz Collar Soft Hackle.

Flies tied in the General Admission Series:

Hendrickson, Tan Caddis, Early Black Stonefly, BWO, Apple Caddis, Yellow Sally, Sulpher, Golden Stone, Brown Drake, Green Caddis, Trico, Slate Drake, Little Black Caddis, Olive Caddis, Golden Stone, Little Brown Stone, Grannom Caddis, Light Cahill, Gray Drake, Green Drake, Golden Drake, Quill Gorden, Isonichia, Brown Drake.

Flies from the Delayed Harvest Series:

Chenille Worm, Brown Perdigon, Pheasant Tail, Zebra Midge, Frenchie, Walt’s Worm, Eggstacy Egg, Mop Fly, Rainbow Warrior, Lively Legs Golden Stone, Coffee’s Sparkle Minnow, Squirmy Worm, Creamsicle.

Flies from the Pressured Trout Series:

Zebra Midge Plus

#flyfishing #flytying #troutfishing #flyfishingfortrout #flytyingforbeginners #nymph fly fishing #nymph fishing for trout
fly tying, fly tying for beginners, fly tying for trout