
How To Catch Pike On Lures - The Totally Awesome Fishing Show

How to catch Pike on lures - Graeme Pullen from The TotallyAwesome Fishing Show interviews Pike lure fanatic Nathan Brotherton. As he reveals his TOTALLY AWESOME favourite lures, you get to see how some of his big lures look in quality HD underwater footage as the TA Cameras go submerged, and spot a couple of sulking predators to 18lbs lying right in the weedbeds. Lures range from the famous spinnerbaits, to shad raps, swimbaits and even rubber eels. Featuring tips on tackle, with a run-through of Nathan's favourite Jerkbait outfit, and spinning rig, plus tips on How to retrieve lures. No blatent tackle-ramming, but the basics on which lures have given big Pike specialist Nathan some of his best fish. We may even drag Graeme away from his beloved Twitching Sprat technique! (Doubt it).
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Pike Fishing