Fly Tying Tool - Wire Dubbing Brush Maker by BK

Hi, let me show You a little machine from my fly-tying tools. Made by my father about 20 years back. It's for making „Wire dubbing brushes“ or sometimes called dubbing knots, dubbing loop.
It allows for the spinning of dubbing between wire as opposed to the traditional method of using thread. These dubbing brushes are improved strength.
You can make slim brushes for nymphs or woolly buggers, or long-fibre brushes for saltwater and streamer flies.

You need:
• Some board for base and groove
• Brush Motor (from RC shop) ca 3V, can be a version with gearbox for slower RPM.
• Batteries
• Circuit breaker (can be from some old toy)
• 2x stainless steel extension spring

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