Falconry: Illegal quarry?

In this falconry video I discuss the topic of prey species that micro-hawking raptors naturally hunt in the wild, but which are protected and illegal to hunt with a trained falconry bird. I discuss the ethics and the question of potential changes with laws, the "let it lay" laws, and the cultural norms we accept as doctrine that should actually be questioned.

This video IS NOT ADVOCATING ILLEGALLY HUNTING PROTECTED SPECIES, but rather it is meant to bring up questions and promote discussion among falconers around the world, birders, lawmakers, and nature lovers. Always be sure you know the falconry and hunting laws in your area before engaging in falconry.

tiktok: tiktok.com/@benwoodrufffalconry

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ben_woodruff_falconry

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Fly Fishing
falconry, falcon, hawking
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