CarpArena, Belgium | Part 1 of 2 | Extract

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In our latest session film Darrell and Ash head to Belgium to fish the newly acquired Embryo Angling Clover lake.

Clover, is the largest lake on the Belgian Carp Arena site and is one hour from Calais and just over the border into Belgium. The lake itself is 14-acres in size and said to hold roughly 250 fish to over 60lbs.

The swims are pre-booked in advance and fishing from a big double peg named the Dead Tree they both can’t wait to get started. It’s advised to use boats to place the rigs and fight the fish here, and Darrell quickly gets to work locating spots along a far margin. He goes into detail about how, why and where he positions each of his rods, along with bait and baiting tips when fishing from a boat. The action was non-stop from start to finish and if you’re interested in booking a session here at Clover yourselves then swims are available now for 2024 bookings.
Carp Fishing
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