
Big Rainbow Trout aka Steelhead on Lake Michigan

These were the biggest two fish caught on this outing. Watch as I battle a 10 pound Rainbow for roughly 8 mins. My Uncle also had a long battle with one a bit bigger. I turned the camera off for most of that fight, did it to save battery life.

Rainbow Trout aka Steelhead is the hardest fighting fish you can catch on the lake. They are so strong fishermen often think they have a big 20+ pound King Salmon on the line. When the rainbow may only be 8-10lbs. These fish can also reach speeds of 20mph+, which is fast in the water. They are also amazing to eat & plentiful in the lake. What more can a fishermen ask for.

We were out of the port of Kenosha, WI. These fish were caught in 150 feet of water about 6 miles out.
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