Where He Found Early Spring King Salmon To Win The Big Pond Brawl Tournament

Visit us at www.LakeMichiganAngler.com for all your Salmon fishing tackle and gear.

????Thank you to our amazing sponsors this year, please take a moment to look at the products and services they provide.
Fish Hawk Electronics - https://fishhawkelectronics.com/
Spruce Island Camp - https://www.spruceislandcamp.com/
Team Dreamweaver - https://www.dreamweaverlures.com/
Amada Senior Care Northern Illinois - http://www.AmadaNorthernIllinois.com
AquaTraction of Chicago - https://chi.aquatraction.com/
Blood Run Tackle - https://bloodrunfishing.com/
ProKing Spoon LLC - https://prokingspoons.com/
@salmoncandy - https://www.salmoncandyfishing.com/
Stinger Fishing - https://www.gibbsfishing.com/collections/stinger

Learn all about Lake Michigan Kayak Fishing on Michael's channel - http://youtube.com/@ChiCityYaker

????Connect With Us On Social Media????
Instagram - http://instagram.com/lakemichiganangler
Facebook - http://facebook.com/lakemichiganangler

#LakeMichiganAngler #SalmonFishing #ChiCityYaker #GreatLakesSalmon #LakeMichiganSalmon #SmallBoatSalmonFishing

Lake Michigan Angler, Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Lake Michigan, Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing, King Salmon, Coho Salmon, Brown Trout, Lake Trout, Steelhead, Steelhead fishing, lake michigan steelhead, lake michigan brown trout, lake michigan coho, lake michigan coho fishing, Great Lakes Salmon, Lake Michigan Salmon, Great Lakes Salmon Fishing, Small Boat Salmon Fishing, salmon fishing podcast. The Big Pond Brawl.
Lake Michigan Angler, Lake Michigan Salmon Fishing, Salmon Fishing Lake Michigan
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