
Watercolor Painting of White Boats- by Chris Petri

Hi and welcome! Thanks for watching everyone! This is my quick rendition of white sailboats adrift and resting along a beautiful harbor inlet. The ocean and water is perhaps my favorite. I find as I finished up,....I will need to touch up the smaller boat with some cobalt blue,.... as the underside needs to be a touch higher to set it back a little for more accurate perspective. My palette colors are exactly the same as Charles Reid's, and I have all of his books and DVD's. Happy painting! :0) Watercolor painting is fun, it’s excitement, it’s passion, it’s imagination! I have the greatest respect and honor for The Art’s! When I am thinking watercolors & painting this is what comes to mind. Watercolours, Tutorials, How to paint, How to draw, colors, soft colors, painting, wet into wet, juicy washes, dry brush, splashing, splattering, palettes, brushes, kolinsky sables, red sables, sword liners, filberts, daggers, flat brush, square brush, round brushes, masking fluid, liquid frisket, rigger brushes, arches, Fabriano, Buckingford, Strathmore, French easel, glass top art table, masonite, out of the tube color, Favorite watercolor artist’s- Charles Reid, Winslow Homer, Alvaro Castagnet, Edward Hopper, Mel Stabin, Edgar Whitney, Steve Hall, Edward Wesson, Amanda Hyatt, Claude Monet, Herman Pekel, Greg Allen, Edward Hopper, John Hoar, Edward Wesson, Joseph Zbukvic, Winslow Homer, Chris Forsey, David Curtis, Bill Buchman, Robert Burridge, Edward Wesson, Ken Howard, John Tookey, Andrew Pitt, Tom Lynch, John Yardley, Jake Winkle, Tom Hoffman, Zoltan Szabo, Ed Whitney, Winslow Homer, Edward Wesson, Ed Hopper and Norman Rockwell, Judi Wagner, Jeanne Dobie, Adebanji Alade, . YouTube views, Agnescecile, Darrell Tank, peter wooley artist, Fine Art-Tips, Steven Cronin, Mr. Otter Art Studio, Painting fast and slow, tonal value, design, angles, the rectangle, the tick tack toe, the golden mean, leading the eye, directional changes, push and pull, fresh paintings, muddy paintings, greys, colors vibrancy, roygbiv, munsel, triadic, space division, rough paper, smooth paper, cold press, hot press, acid free, 100% cotton, print paper, swatches, H strokes, Z stokes, loose edges, keep edges, chroma, intensity, value range, pastel, acrylic, oils, fumes, health hazards, poison paints, cakes, pans, tubes, semi moist, chalky, transparent, semi-transparent, lifting, staining, opaque, granulation, sediment, juicy washes, loose and free watercolors, tight watercolors, misbehaving watercolors, blossoms, cauliflowers, balloons, International Artist magazine, Watercolor magazine, Blicks, AC Moore, Pearl Paints, Cheap Joes, Jerrys Artsarama, Micheals, Art Express, stretching paper, taping paper, blocks, workshops, art institutes, art schools, perspective, line of site, eye level, cone of vision, vanishing point. Watercolor painting is passion! I have the greatest respect and honor for art! These are the thoughts, words, ideas, and names that permeate my mind and person. These things all relate closely to my art. Watercolors, colors, painting, wet into wet, juicy washes, dry brush, splashing, splattering, pallettes, brushes, kolinsky sables, red sables, sword liners, filberts, daggers, flat brush, square brush, round brushes, masking fluid, liquid frisket, rigger brushes, arches, fabriano, buckingford, Strathmore, French easel, glass top art table, Masonite, Hal Reed- Fav watercolor artist’s- Charles Reid, Winslow Homer, Alvaro Castagnet, Edward Hopper, Mel Stabin, Edgar Whitney, Steve Hall, Edward Wesson, Amanda Hyatt, Claude Monet, Herman Pekel, Edward Hopper, John Hoar, Winslow Homer, Joseph Zbukvic, Winslow Homer, David Curtis, Edward Wesson, Ken Howard, John Tookey, Andrew Pitt, Tom Lynch, John Yardley, Jake Winkle, Tom Hoffman, Zoltan Szabo, Ed Whitney, Winslow Homer, Andrew Wyeth, Edward Wesson, Ed Hopper, Hal Reed, and Norman Rockwell.
Fly Fishing
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