TIME TRAVEL - A LIVING FOSSIL FROM DINOSAUR DAYS #extinction #fish #fossil #lake

UPDATED - A few very exceptional creatures have somehow remained essentially unchanged for millions of years although creatures all around them have become extinct or have evolved into remarkably different modern forms. “The mystery creature” in this video coexisted with the dinosaurs … yet it has survived to modern times without significant change. Which creature is it?

What are its ancient traits that give us a window on the past? How has it survived to the present day despite its age-old traits and having to now deal with modern competitors, predators and prey? What are its prospects for the future when even the most modern and highly adapted species are being threatened by rapid environmental changes caused by humans?

Stay tuned for some time travel to the ancient past!!!

Here is a link to my highly rated and very inexpensive Environmental Science course - Everyone’s World: What YOU Need to Know About the Environment.

Photos and videos are copyright-free and available from Wikimedia Commons https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page except for the catching-a-giant-sturgeon image; see Catfish &Carp at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49sfej4mRIc&t=109s.
The Fishing Charter is: The Sturgeon Hunter https://www.sturgeonhunter.com/.
There are many pages of photo credits; here is a link to them: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Asy5IiZfUrZQgclRSoDGR16bJD7eVQ?e=aviXZq.

All music is copyright-free and provided by Epidemic Sound
Intro about sturgeons – Mysterious Forest by Howard Harper-Barnes
A living fossil – Le Lardon by Traditional
Time travel – Cat in the Alley by Alexandra Woodward
Placoderm – Le Lardon by Traditional
Geological time scale – Undertow by Gridded
Placoderm – Le Lardon by Traditional
Knight – Sparring Partner by Jon Bijork
Placoderm – Le Lardon by Traditional
Archer – Castle Festivities by Bonnie Grace
Geological time scale – Undertow by Gridded
Shark – You’re not Hiding Very Well by Trevor Kawalski
Geological time scale – Undertow by Gridded
Shark – Tearing Threads by Jon Bjork
Pikeman – Forest Myths by Deskant
Punk – Rebound by Coma Svenssen
Modern bony fish – A Little Bit of Basil by Christian Andersen
Soldiers – Military Police by Max Anson
Geological time scale – Undertow by Gridded
What fish … living fossil – Le Lardon by Traditional
Modern bony fish – A Little Bit of Basil by Christian Andersen
Bodies of ancient fish – Le Lardon by Traditional
Geological time scale – Undertow by Gridded
Facts about sturgeons – Mrs. Detective by Claude Signet
Lake sturgeons – All the Lovers by Duplex Heart
Atlantic sturgeons – Ole Time Fiddlin by River Run Dry
White sturgeons – July on the West Coast by Isobelle Walton
Pallid sturgeons – Mississippi Ramble by the Fly Guy Five
Kaluga sturgeons – Sushi Master by Sight of Wonders
Beluga sturgeons – Hitchhiking in Moscow by Sight of Wonders
Why haven’t they changed – Le Lardon by Traditional
Why are they in trouble – Scribbled Notes by Johannes Bornlof
Why do we care – See, it’s OK by Arthur Benson
Fly Fishing
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