TESTING Trakker's new Impact Zig Float Kit | Adjustable Zigs

The very clever Impact Zig Float is the latest addition to Trakker's carp terminal tackle range. Its innovative, unique, and patented design takes Adjustable Zig Fishing to the next level. Crafted to minimise and reduce tangles while maximising presentation and attraction, allowing you to fish efficiently and increase your catch-rate. The CARPology duo, Curly Joe and Luke Venus, head to Shearwater to put them through their paces.

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???? Can Technology Improve Your Zig Rig Fishing? https://youtu.be/qwEp4jq1Dq8
???? This carp fishing Zig Rig out-caught everyone else's! https://youtu.be/Tyx23DX7iMw
???? Zig Aligners Made EASY! https://youtu.be/Jw2OhDIbx2U

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Carp Fishing
trakker products, carp tackle, zig rig