
Sonic Adventure DX - Part 20: The BIG finale!

Why hello there! Welcome to Sonic Adventure DX! I keep saying it a million times but sorry again for the lack of videos! I will be uploading more once my exam tomorrow is finished so don't you worry! But enough of that stuff, back to the video! So what can I say? Big the cat. More fishing, more hell, more boring tedious stuff. However it did turn out much better than I expected it to be. The video is pretty short since...well Big's story is just short in general. I can't say I enjoyed playing as Big but it could have been worse. That's for sure. But yeah this is literally the finale of Big the Cat's story! Hooray! So next part we will be tackling the last character E102 Gamma! Stay tuned!

As always guys if you enjoyed it then leave a like and comment! If you didn't then tell me why so I can improve for next time! I want to be able to provide the best quality videos possible. But if not then thats okay! Hope you guys have a fantastic day and I will see you all later!
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