Session #05 Jacklett's & Southminster - Carp Fishing

Hi all and welcome to this mini series of fishing sessions I did back in 2017. Please note: *Trigger warning!*

This was a period in my life when I came out as non-binary and genderfluid and was expressing myself with a few feminine touches, so if you are of a sensitive disposition, you don’t have to watch these videos and please don’t leave hateful comments, thanks. I’m happy to talk about anything LGBTQ+, gender identity and general shizzle around these topics.

These days, I’m happy I’ve discovered my true inner self and tend to keep it that way in public, it’s no big deal anymore. I’ve felt different all my life, but didn’t have the words to match and identify how or who I was. It’s only with social media and new words that finally pieced my jigsaw puzzle together. Being genderfluid does mean I swing from feeling more male or female sometimes, so if my videos show me with a beard, you know how I’m feeling. All good? Great, I’m glad we’ve got that out of the way.

Now for the fishing, these sessions were in various locations in Essex in 2017 and just having some fun and conquering challenges with one lake being a one rod rule! Different tactics to maximise my catch rate, with some good results with both bottom baits, zigging and surface fishing.

The Outcast Carper concept was just me branching out into a new direction, after my brand ‘Zigah Crew Angling’ was ramped down. ZCA didn’t quite get there as Sub-Surface Journal, Monkey Climber Magazine , Wofte, KUMU and many other clothing brands were also taking off at the same time (2011) and the market was saturated with cool and trendy carpy companies.

I still feel like an outcast in the carping scene…. which I like :)
Carp Fishing
Carp, Fishing, Life
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