
River Trout Mission In a NASTY Rainstorm

I'll admit it...I am now addicted to these fish. I never really realized how incredibly badass these fish are until I went head to head to two native steelhead just a few days. After handling these fish and learning more about them I've gained a serious appreciation for this species and NEED to hook into more. Although cameras were ruined and I lost some footage is 110% worth it. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.
--Young Plugg

Check Out Rob's Channel -- http://bit.ly/2auVqaa

What I film with…
Drone — http://amzn.to/28SzZjw
Camera — http://amzn.to/28WQz2y
Lens — http://amzn.to/28YGMYe
GoPro — http://amzn.to/28SGyRF
BIG SHINY Camera -- http://amzn.to/2dqwEZb
BIG SHINY Lens -- http://amzn.to/2dqwxNt

My Other Gear...
Computer — http://amzn.to/295J31n
Editing software — http://amzn.to/28SzPIW
Mic — http://amzn.to/28R3QWT
Camera Case — http://amzn.to/28SzO7P
Backpack -- http://amzn.to/2dHgZaZ

Follow me on…
SOUNDCLOUD -- http://bit.ly/2l4fqpD
INSTAGRAM -- http://bit.ly/2l8ma5u
TWITTER -- http://bit.ly/2lFa0iq
SNAPCHAT: fishingthemw
FACEBOOK -- http://bit.ly/2kHM8fx #ftmw

*The above links are Amazon Associate links*
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