Rainbow 6 Siege - Legionnaire Spotlight LoH Potato Jet

Gamertag: LoH Potato Jet
Rank: Chief Centurion
Game Legion: Nomad
Age: 42
State and / or Country: Maryland, U.S.A.
Occupation: retired Law Enforcement now house keeper/full time parent
Hobbies: Gaming , Fly Fishing and Fly tying, wishing I was Batman
Favorite Games: Rainbow Six Siege, The Division

Music by
Artist: Rush
Song Title: Tom Sawyer

LoH Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/Legion-of-Ho...

LoH Twitter https://twitter.com/LegionofHonor1?re...

The Legion of Honor is an online video game community for mature gamers looking to play with like-minded individuals in a strategic and respectful manner.
Many of us have been gaming together for over thirteen years, and our community is built around core values such as "family first", "maturity", "respect", "honor", and "discipline".
Our Roman theme and structure help us adhere to a chain of command, so that issues and concerns are addressed timely and effectively. Many of our Legionnaires are current or former members of the Armed Forces.

At its core, The Legion of Honor welcomes gamers of all types: beginners, experienced gamers looking for a solid group of people to play with on a regular basis, and competitive professional gamers as well. Our different group types are sure to tailor to your specific gaming style, as long as our core values are upheld at all times.
Our competitive groups actively participate in all major competitive gaming sites (MLG, Gamebattles, Fragged Nation, among others).
While we focus on the actual aspect of online gaming itself, on multiple platforms ( Xbox One, PS4, and PC),along with groups for North America and Europe. Our forums and online chat area are a great place to meet and interact with other members, and our news section will keep you up to date on LoH activities and announcements, as well as gaming-related news and events.

If you are interested, please sign-up today at http://www.legionofhonorclan.com/ and put my gamertag (LoH NASTY BOY ) in referred by to to expedite your membership. Send me a message via XBOX Live and I can quickly approve your membership so you can quickly post for orientation training.
This is where we talk to about our clan and place you in the proper group to give you the best clan experience. No silly entry tests like other clans or communities.
Feel free to message me on XBOX Live with any question you may have.
Have a Great Day!
Fly Fishing