Piscifun Carbon X Spinning Reel... Is it any good? Lets find out!

Order Piscifun Carbon X at:
Piscifun Amazon Store: https://amzn.to/2xjkN9g


Piscifun Official Website: https://www.piscifun.com/collections/all-products

Welcome to AllFishing TV! This channel is all about my fishing adventures. I am located in Connecticut and I mostly target bass but if you look through my videos there are many carp fishing videos, trout fishing videos, saltwater videos and much more. I made this channel so I can go back and re-live these experiences catching fish. I hope you enjoy my videos and don't forget to subscribe for videos every Monday and Thursday at 6pm!

My goal is to fish every state in the U.S.
States I have Fished:
~Rhode Island
~New York
~New Hampshire
Contact Me :
** Email ~ adamdaman1029@gmail.com
** Instagram ~ adammmeyers
Carp Fishing