Pike Pursuit - The Quest for River Trent Giants

we are back on the River Trent Pike Fishing, the goal is always the same to try and catch BIG PIKE!!! This section of the River Trent is one I have never fished before so with temperatures dropping to -3 and plenty of excitement we try out luck!

*** MY BOOKS ***
An Essential Guide to Barbel Fishing - https://shorturl.at/mCLZ4
The Darker Side Of Carp Fishing - https://bit.ly/3iamYGO

Merch - https://bit.ly/3S3v5TJ

Follow me on Instagram - https://bit.ly/3WMFKDe

My Fishing Playlists - https://bit.ly/3InbJFO

Follow me on TikTok - https://bit.ly/3X6hFXB
Carp Fishing