Palestinians use kites and balloons to burn more than 2,250 acres in Israel TV7 Israel News 08.06.18

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Today's top stories 08.06.18;

1) Fires continue to break out along the Israeli side of the border with Gaza, as a result of incendiary kites and balloons that are flown out of the Palestinian enclave into Israeli territory - causing extensive damage of more than 2,250 acres of both farmlands and forests.
2) The Israeli Air Force completed a week-long military exercise simulating a two-front aerial campaign on Israel's northern and southern frontiers, with Israeli fighter-jets destroying hundreds of simulated targets.
3) Russian President Vladimir Putin, at an annual televised Q&A call-in session, underscored his country was not planning to withdraw from Syria for the time-being, vowing to preserve Russia's military presence in Israel's war-torn northern neighbor for as long as it remains in Moscow's interests.
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