Nightmare Version of the Low Fat Minnow- Fly Tying Tutorial

The Low Fat Minnow tied in the Nightmare style is the streamer of your dreams. This color scheme combined with a proven pattern equals success on the water. Whether you're looking to catch trout, bass, salmon or steelhead, this fly will do it all.

Material List:
Hook: Ahrex FW550 size 2
Bead: Slotted Tungsten 7/32" White
Weighted Wire: Lead Free .025"
Thread: Black 6/0 or 140D
Tail: Red and Black Marabou
Body: Black Estaz
Flash/Thorax: Polar Chenille Red
Veiled Head: Laser Dub in Red and Black
Eyes: 3D Eyes 6mm Silver/Black
Cement: Loon UV Clear Fly Finish Thin and Flow

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