Montenegro Grayling on Lim & Ljuča

Montenegro offers incredible opportunities for fly fishing for grayling, especially the Lim and Ljuča rivers, in crystal clear waters and bucolic, peaceful places. One of the best destination in the Balkan region, where the fishing spots are wrapped in an a so much special atmosphere that makes the fly angler feel like he is living in a fairy tale. The surrounding wild Prokletije Mountains, that give an astonishing visual background, are the southernmost subrange of the Dinaric Alps, extending from northern Albania to western Kosovo and northeastern Montenegro.

The Ljuča River is the southernmost river in Europe where grayling lives. In this wild, crystal clear and cold water, lives a large population of grayling, whose average size is very large. I think we can affirm that in contemporary times the Ljuča River has the largest grayling in the entire Balkan region. It is the right place to go in search of a trophy. The Ljuča flows into the Plav Lake, of natural glacial origin, and at its estuary the source of the Lim takes shape. All this makes an unreal ambient that takes breath away to any passionate of nature and fishing.
Fly Fishing
fly fishing, flyfishing, fly fishing travel