Lost Lake Trout Fishing In July

I am out on Lost Lake in Hood River Oregon in the middle of Summer trying to catch the elusive magical Hexagina hatch. The Hex is one of the largest mayflies and is only found in a handful of cool and clear high mountain lakes and streams. Hatches can happen early morning, but most likely happen close to sunset and normally only last for 60 minutes, often less. It is the combination of size, sheer numbers and short duration that causes the most wary monster trout to throw all caution aside and gorge themselves. This is truly the time to catch monsters...and I mean alot of them. To me, its worth driving 2 hours every week to try to catch the HEX hatch. I thank you for joining me and Fishing4Happiness, as I fly fish for for monster trout at Lost Lake.
Fly Fishing
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