
Lake trout jigging with the soft plastic lures: Review of the Big Bite Baits Slab Tube soft lure

When to use soft lures with the jig head for lake trout jigging — in the case when you receive no bites with the spoons and minnow lures. You can also use it as a stand-alone lure during trout fishing.

In this overview we use soft Big Bite Baits Slab Tube lures and barbless low weight (0.3-1g) jig heads. It is strongly recommended to use the barbless fish-hooks in order to minimize traumatizing the trout while playing.

Lure's carrying should be a slow jogless reeling of the line with the combination of pausing and pulling. It is while the pausing the bites usually happen, when the lure drops to the bottom. You may experiment by your own with the lure's animation to select the most effective one for your trout fishing. Just mind that it's obligatory to do fish striking during the rise.

Lure's “play” in the water stream is the following: the still body and wave-motion “tentacles”, which attracts the fish.

As a result we've got two over then 1kg weight trouts plus a couple of the smaller ones. Today our lake trout liked soft Big Bite Baits Slab Tube lures.
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