I caught my first salmon at Ambleside Beach, basically...

In this video, I am once again trying my luck at Ambleside Beach fly fishing for Pink Salmon and Coho Salmon. This was August 2023 and being an odd year, pinks were around in decent numbers at the time. I was still testing the CSO 8wt Stave fly rod and I also had some company from new and old friends from my Discord fishing group. Ian caught a pink salmon while testing my rod and fly setup, so I BASICALLY caught my first fish at Ambleside haha. He was kind enough to let me bring it home to taste my first Pink Salmon! Hopefully I can get into a coho here some day!

ps. the 'theoretical' drone was kept at the height of a flying kite for safety purposes ????

#flyfishing #fishingBC #fishingPNW

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Check my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rosinflyfishing/

* Brand Ambassador for Chrome Strike Outfitters (15% OFF with code ROSIN): https://www.chromestrikeoutfitters.ca/
* Flies from Driftstone Fly Fishing (10% OFF with code ROSIN): https://driftstone.co?ref=mjhizwu
* Flies from TroutFlies Utah: https://troutfliesutah.com/
* Flies from TH Fly Fishing (BC/AB local): https://www.instagram.com/th_fly_fishing/

Video recording gear:
GoPro Hero 10 BLACK: https://amzn.to/3xBbdi8
DJI MINI 2 Drone (2 battery combo): https://amzn.to/3OQoRWK

Salmon/Steelhead Gear:
Lamson Remix 7+ Reel: https://amzn.to/46CM6e5
CSO 9 ft, 8 wt fly rod 'Stave' (15% OFF with code ROSIN): https://www.chromestrikeoutfitters.ca/product-page/stave-9ft-8wt
Echo Lift Rod: https://amzn.to/3MfFLdl
SA Amplitude Anadro Fly Line: https://amzn.to/3JKtITy
Polyleader Fast Sink: https://amzn.to/3xx1OIj

Trout Gear:
CSO 9 ft, 5 wt Fly Rod 'Pitt' (15% OFF with code ROSIN): https://www.chromestrikeoutfitters.ca/product-page/pitt-9ft-5wt
Cabela's BigHorn Fly Rod: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/c/2781710/603808/9453?prodsku=100855350&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.basspro.com%2Fshop%2Fen%2F100855350-100855350&intsrc=PUI2_4595
White River Dogwood Canyon Fly Reel: https://bassproshops.vzck.net/c/2781710/603808/9453?prodsku=100202385&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.basspro.com%2Fshop%2Fen%2Fwhite-river-fly-shop-dogwood-canyon-fly-reel&intsrc=PUI2_4595
Scientific Anglers Trout Amplitude Fly Line: https://amzn.to/3JPQRnM
AirLock Indicators: https://amzn.to/3KUgaWP

Gear & Accessories:
8Fans Chest Waders: https://amzn.to/3vr7sZD
Stripping Basket: https://amzn.to/3Ev20t6
Fishing Net: https://amzn.to/36puE2a

Audio Credit:

Creatormix com
fly fishing, BC fishing, Vancouver fishing
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