
How to Catch Big CATFISH from Shore! Bank fishing locations - catfishing bait, rigs & gear

How to find big catfish from shore. Bank fishing tips and techniques. Catfishing bait, catfishing rigs and gear. Finding and locating catfishing.
Me and Tommy did an overnight camping & catfishing trip bank fishing for big flathead, blue and channel cats and in this video whe teach you how to catch big catfish from the shore and to find great bank fishing and catfishing locations.

To see me video about making my bank fishing rod holders check out https://youtu.be/VRQ4t7HlLm8

For my video about bite alarms

For how to tie my favorite catfishing rig

To see last years bank fishing camping trip check out https://youtu.be/3vTd0-xJsbU

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Carp Fishing
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