
How to cast Long distances - casting tips- carp/overhead thump casting.

After a lot of focusing on tournament casting in the past two months, I've decided to do some relaxed Carp/ overhead casting. A short practise session with the TFGear Banshee 12' 2.75 T/C carp rod saw me hitting good distances with the precision needed in carp fishing. I also include a lot of tips for any newcomers to our sport who wish to improve their casting distances. The key is to remain calm, focus on technique- getting the arms extended and being smooth throughout the cast. Thanks for watching the video and I'll see you next time.
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Get the rod here: http://www.totalfishinggear.co.uk/buy.cfm/carp-rods/tf-gear-banshee-12'-2.5lb-and-2.75lb-carp-rods/39/no/49918
Carp Fishing