Hogan's Military Mayfly Fly Tying Video Instructions

The Military Mayfly is a small mayfly nymph developed by fly tying mastermind Hogan Brown.  The Military Mayfly is most commonly tied in the BWO (Olive) and PMD (Brown) variations, but can be tied in many other color combinations.  The Military Mayfly is a little workhorse and gets the job done on many western tailwaters.  The Military Mayfly has the right amount of flash, perfect profile and the nice segmentation to top it off.  Making it a very "buggy" fly.  The Military Mayfly is a must have mayfly pattern in any box.  Enjoy!

Military Mayfly Fly Tying Recipe:
Hook: #14-18 Daiichi 1560
Bead: Small Rootbeer Glass Bead
Thread: Brown Veevus 8/0
Tail: Natural Woodduck or Teal
Body Casing: Medium Pearlescent Tinsel
Rib: Small Copper Wire
Thorax Casing: Large Pearlescent Tinsel
Thorax: Brown Antron Dubbing
Legs: Copper Krystal Flash

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