Fly Fishing, Centerpin Fishing & Spincasting For Bass Pike & Trout with Flies Jigs Spinners & Lures

In this Michigan fishing video I am just messing around with new techniques and fishing new waters in search of river monsters or at least a chance to hone a few new skills. I designed the creek chub clickbait jerk bait specifically for catching brown trout in creeks so naturally I had to go after some brown trout with the new jerk bait design. I also recently went mousing for the first time so ive been practicing on the fly rod to get my fly fishing skills up enough to fly fish in the dark. No video for that trip but I snuck in some spinner fishing on some northern trout water while I was on the mousing mission. I have been crazy busy making fishing lures lately so I have not had as much time to fish and have been slacking on the video content as well but as always stay tuned for more Michigan fishing videos!

Clickbait Series Jerkbaits:

The Clickbait Series 3.5 inch 1/4 oz Slow Falling Jerk Bait / Crank Bait has a sliding weight attached to a spring. The Click from this Clickbait is loud and triggers crazy aggression bites from predatory fish like bass, pike, walleye steelhead and other trout and even panfish. Fish it like a jerk bait or give it the straight retrieve like a crank bait and you will find it excels at both. It also is similar to a countdown with its slow falling action but stays higher in the water column and out of snags when moving.

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Afilliates: Waterland Fishing Sunglasses Spinners Beads Rods

???? *** ABOUT THE CHANNEL ***
Reel Michigan Anglers is a source for entertaining and educational fishing videos from fishing for carp and catfish to salmon and steelhead. From tiny creeks to the main rivers that drain to the great lakes we are out there learning to fish for new species in new waters. From ponds to the largest inland lakes on in the entire USA Michigan Fishing is special and unique and Reel Michigan Anglers is here to share a slice of Michigan in every fishing video. You can also expect to find some fishing gear reviews as well as educational fishing videos and how to videos for all different species of fish. It does not stop there. Reel Michigan Anglers is also an online tackle shop and tackle company. We make a variety of fishing lures but specialize in jigs for steelhead and trout fishing. check out to see our selection!

Reel Michigan Anglers is a collection of Michigan Outdoors Videos made by real Michigan Fisherman. Not professional anglers but average guys on their quest to catch as many epic fish as possible. Michigan fishing flows through my veins like water flows through Michigan rivers and I enjoy sharing my Michigan fishing adventures with you all in the form of educational and entertaining fishing videos. I love fishing for all species in all bodies of water but have a particular passion for Michigan river fishing. Fishing Michigan rivers has brought me so much joy and excitement and my zen place is me standing in a river with a fishing rod in my hands. I am not in this for the fame or the attention my goal is to help other fisherman grow and learn with me and to get paid to fish which I do now thanks to all of you lovely viewers. Thanks to your support I will continue to bring you many more Michigan. fishing videos! I will be Fishing Michigan 2021 and making more fishing videos for your enjoyment!

Topics covered in this video include:

Best Jerkbait,
best stickbait,
best crank bait for walleye,
Best bass lures,
best trout lures,
Michigan Made Fishing Lures,
Reel Michigan Anglers,
Made in USA tackle,
Michigan River Fishing,
river fishing videos,
Michigan fishing videos,
michigan fishing,
michigan northern pike,
michigan pike fishing,
Pike fishing Michigan,
northern pike river fishing,
northern pike angler,
northern pike fishing Michigan,
fishing northern pike Michigan,
northern pike fishing lure,
best suspending jerk bait,
jerk bait fishing techniques,

#jerkbaits #jerkbaitfishing
#tips for fisherman
fly fishing for bass, centerline fishing for pike, Best Jerkbait
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