Dunt Dee Wing Fly Tying Tutorial

Dunt Dee Wing

The “Dunt” Dee wing originated in the early 19th century by a fellow named Mr. Murdoch’ its one of the original Spey patterns of that era.
This pattern is a Pryce-Tannatt’s design.

Hook: Daiichi 2051 salmon hook size 3/0
Thread: Uni-Nylon 70 Denier white, Uni-Thread 17/0 Trico white and Semperfli Nano Silk 18/0 white.
Tag: Lagartun Oval X-Strong Fine Silver Tinsel and Blue Silk Floss
Tail: Golden Pheasant Crest
Veil: A pair of small Jungle Cock feathers back-to-back
Butt: Black Ostrich Herl
Ribbing: Lagartun Oval X-Strong Fine Siver Tinsel and Large Embossed Silver Tinsel
Body: Four Parts
1st Blur Silk Floss
2nd Orange Seals Fur Dubbing
3rd Red Seals Fur Dubbing
4th Fiery Brown Seals Fur Dubbing
Body Hackle: Brown Heron Spey Hackle
1st Collar: Brown Heron Spey Hackle
2nd Collar: Teal Spey Hackle
Wing: A pair of White Tipped Turkey tail strips set flat
Cheeks: Jungle Cock Eyes, Drooping
Head: Black

0:00- Intro
0:08- Hook, Thread and Tinsel
0:27-Adding the Tag
2:13-Adding the Tail, Veil and the Butt
4:38-Adding the Body
9:07-Wrapping the Ribbing, Body Hackle and Teal Collar
12:56-Measuring and Adding the Wings
13:45-Adding the Jungle Cock Feathers for the Cheeks
14:38-Trimming and finishing the Head
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