Bus travel in Nepal (Nepalgunj to Butwal to Lumbini)

Bus travel in Nepal (Nepalgunj to Butwal to Lumbini).

Since there is no train in Nepal most travel is done by bus. In the raining season though it could be difficult since some roads and bridges are destroyed every year then it takes time to rebuild them and normalize road transportation. It is also possible to fly to many destinations inside Nepal but flights are quite expensive especially if you're a foreign tourist since the fares are higher.

This short travel vlog is about my bus travel from Nepalgunj to Butwal (staying overnight) to Bhairawa then to Lumbini where Buddha was born. Nature along the way is beautiful but buses are not comfortable. All in all it was a nice journey.

Filmed in Nepal with Panasonic Lumix x80, x85. Edited with HitFilm 4 Express.
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