Big Silver Carp Fish Hunting And Fishing By Ripon

Big Silver Carp Fish Hunting And Fishing By Ripon. Silver carp are born to eastern Asia and are generally found in northeastern China and Siberia. They have also been founded to other region of the world. Silver carp are now thought invasive to North America. Silver carp have been founded in sixteen states in the United States and are good set up in the Mississippi River Basin.

Silver carp are also available in the pond, lake and river of Bangladesh. But getting a big silver carp fish is not very easy. Because of this, it is very difficult to hunting big silver carp fish.

On 30 December 2017, ripon hunting a big silver carp fish by fishing rod and fish hooks from pond of dolar. This fish hunting video, you can see big silver carp fish hunting video scenes of fish hunter ripon.

This fishing video scenes captured by Md. Golam Sorowar. The fish video edited by Rowkat Ara. Silver carp video published by Fish Watching.

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Carp Fishing